Done for You Marketing

When Radius Connection began, we really focused our efforts on helping clients target prospects in a radius (thus the name Radius Connection) around a current customer; a perfect neighborhood marketing solution. We gave each client a turn key marketing solution that would allow them to log into their personalized website and place direct mail orders. When we started, about half of our clients placed their own orders and we placed the orders for the other half of our clients that were too busy. Currently we place about 90% of all orders. In addition, we are now much more than radius direct mail.

As I’m sure your business has evolved to meet the needs of your clients, ours has too. Plus we figured if our clients are too busy to log into a website to place an order, they may need help in other areas. You know what you should be doing to grow your business, but that all important implementation piece never seems to happen. Almost all companies face a shortfall of money, time and / or staff at some point in the company’s history. The answer to some of these problems is simply outsourcing.
And in all honesty, regardless of how hard working and driven you are, it’s an uphill battle to achieve success alone. As a business owner, I completely understand where you’re coming from.
Let me ask you this, what would you do if you no longer had to worry about your next marketing campaign? And where are you going to be in the next 30 days if you don’t reach out now?

Marketing always seems to be toward the bottom of a business owner’s “To Do” list; that’s a crazy way to do business!

Everyone wants to know what works, and fortunately it’s pretty easy. Target the right people at the right time, with the right message and offer. And you MUST incorporate frequency. There really is no shortcut. It’s kind of like the whole weight loss battle, there are no shortcuts, eat right and exercise. That’s not what people want to hear, but that’s what works.

So, will we be a good fit for you?

If you’ve answered “yes” to the questions above, here’s the information you need to take it the next step:
Please call 888.829.2249 to schedule pre-assessment phone call so we can learn more about your business and goals and then determine if this would be a good partnership. This is not a sales call, nor does it obligate you in any way.

Our job is to evaluate your current situation, your goals and put a system in place to help you achieve those goals.
The way we typically work with our clients is to look at many direct marketing options to find the best matches for you. We will then put together a plan, typically by quarter, execute it for you and conduct ongoing evaluations of the effectiveness of each campaign.

Working with Radius Connection is like having access to a marketing department for less than the cost of one employee!